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BillingLabs was at the Teleforum in Malta

17 Juin 2022

Last week, Pierre Lecomte and Thierry Berthouloux attended the thirtieth edition of the Teleforum in Malta, where BillingLabs was silver sponsor.

It was really enlightening to listen to these telecomoperator’s challenges. No doubt IT and in particular BSS is at the cornerstone of their business and the last function they should be worrying about, functionally, operationally, and financially.

BSS is still in majority provided by IT legacy big players whose business models, more than ever, have today become irrelevant in small telco players’ budget.
This is where BillingLabs comes in.

Our BillingLabs software stack offers a lot of functional flexibility to quickly adapt to market changes, a high level of performance and availability to scale up and down when needed in your cloud, at a cost calculated based on your actual billed amount and without recurring charges.

No functional surprises, no availability surprises, no cost surprises.

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